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Family and Systemic Constellations

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In a nutshell:

We are all a part of a family. Although we may feel like individuals, many unseen forces influence our circumstances and behaviour. 

There has been groundbreaking research in the past few years that shows how trauma is carried down three or four generations and is influencing the current generation without our awareness.*

This fascinating method has gained increasing popularity around the world since its introduction by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger 30 years ago.

​Our past or present family members may have experienced many types of trauma. For example, war, illness, crime, displacement, miscarriages or abortion and early death.

Through the Family Constellation technique, it is possible to identify what is being carried by us that has come to us from family members, and to understand how their experiences may be influencing us without our awareness.


Undertaking a Family and systemic constellation can bring you inner peace. It can show you what forces have been influencing your behaviour and your experiences in life quickly and efficiently.

What can the constellation work do for you?

By doing the constellation work you can get answers to questions about your lives and your family relationships.

The constellation shows you the root causes of your unexplained circumstances, manifesting as depression, disease, stress or repeated unwanted behaviours that you see and feel appearing in your life without knowing why or where they have come from.


By identifying the source, resolving these issues is achievable and you will be introducing order, balance and love to both your family system and your own life. 

The constellation process will enable you to observe things with a neutral perspective. It will allow you to release judgment towards yourself and your family. You will be bringing about healing for yourself as well as for all those in your family system. 

What is a constellation good for?

You can bring to the session any issue that prevents you from feeling inner peace, anything that makes you feel stuck and frustrated.  


My experience

When I first encountered Family Constellations, my jaw dropped. I have never, in my many years as a practitioner, experienced such a method. I found it powerful, precise and efficient in finding the root causes of issues, no matter how complex they seemed. And the process was all done gently and with great respect.


I was privileged to get constellations done for my family line and for different aspects of inherited and experienced traumas in my life. It brought me a deep understanding, compassion and change. 

Since my introduction to this work, I have had the privilege to learn from many teachers in Australia and around the world, and to facilitate individual and group sessions. I am always amazed and grateful for this work.  

What happens in a workshop

Although Family Constellation can be done in a private session, it is also beneficial when conducted in a safe and supportive group.

In a group setting the participants will get a chance to examine their pressing issue, one participant at a time.


You can examine the following in a group or a private constellation:

  • Your family members, including current family, family of origin or ancestors

  • Different feelings and emotions such as depression or guilt

  • Systemic roles such as your job, your future or a place.

Family constellation allows for great transformation and relief. We are each touched and moved by one another’s stories, connecting us and allowing for powerful healing to occur


It is important to note that the Family Constellation group is a non-judgmental space. Great emphasis is put on integrity and confidentiality so you can feel safe to participate and heal. 


Are you interested in attending a Family Constellation workshop?

Click here for the workshop schedule:


* References for some of the current research about how trauma is carried from generation to generation: 

Brannon, K. 2018. Tulane psychiatrist wins national award for research that shows how trauma seeps across generations. Tulane University.

Halon, E. 2019. Israeli Study: Nervous System Can Transmit Messages to Future Generations. Jerusalem Post.


Khazan, O. 2018. Inherited Trauma Shapes Your Health.  The Atlantic.

Yehuda, R., & Lehrner, A. 2018. Intergenerational transmission of trauma effects: putative role of epigenetic mechanisms. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 17(3), 243–257.

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